Thursday 30 July 2015


ASSALAMU ALAIKUM to my all dear ISLAMIC brothers n sisters

Islamic Dates>>Youm-e-Ashura - Sunni

Perspective Introduction

Youm-e-Ashura, or the day of Ashura, isthe 10th Muharram. Its meaning is derivedfrom the word ‘asha nura’ which istranslated as ‘enlightened day’.It is a significant date in the Islamiccalendar due to many events which haveoccurred on this particular day, includingthe martyrdom of Sayyidina Imam Hussainin the battle of Karbala.
Events which Occurred on the 10thMuharram
In Hazrat Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani’sfamous book, Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, he writes of the following incidentswhich occurred on Ashura:- Allah accepted the repentance of ProphetAdam (A.S) after his exile from Paradise; - Allah saved Prophet Nuh (A.S) and hiscompanions in the ark; - Allah extinguished the fire in whichProphet Ibrahim (A.S) was thrown into byNimrod [Pharaoh]; - Allah spoke directly to Prophet Musa(A.S) and gave him the Commandments.- On this same 10th of Muharram, ProphetAyyub (A.S) was restored to health (fromleprosy); - Prophet Yusuf (A.S) was reunited with hisfather Prophet Yaqub (A.S); - Prophet Yunus (A.S) was released fromthe belly of the fish; - The sea was divided as the nation of Israelwas delivered from captivity, andPharoah’s army was destroyed.- Ashura is also the day when ProphetDawud (A.S) was forgiven; - the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S)was restored; - Prophet Isa (A.S) was raised to Jannah,- And Sayyidina Imam Hussain , grandsonof the Holy Prophet , achieved the honourof Martyrdom at Karbala.
Voluntary [Nafl] Worship on Youm-e-Ashura
- Nafl Namaaz:
Sayyidina Rasulallah SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM said, "That personwho performs four Rakaats of Namaz onthe day of Ashura by reciting Surah Ikhlaas11 times after Surah Fatiha in everyRakaat, Almighty Allah will forgive fiftyyears of his sins, and he will blessed with aMimbar (pulpit) of Noor (Light)."[Nuzhat Al-Majalis Wa Muntakhab Al-Nafa'is - Vol.1, Pg. 181]
- Fasting:
Hazrat Qatadah reports that the HolyProphet said, "On the day of Ashura, Ihope that Almighty Allah will make thisday a means of Kafaara [expiation] for pastsins."[Mishkat Shareef, Pg. 179]
Abu Huraira reports that the Holy Prophetsaid that after Ramadan, the fasts ofMuharram have the greatest excellence.[Sahih Muslim]
In the year 10 A.H., the Holy Prophet waskept the fast of Ashura with the NobleCompanions, who enquired, "Surely, this isalso the day which is honoured by the Jewsand Christians." The Holy Prophet replied,"If I am alive next year, then I shall alsofast on the 9th of Muharram [as well as the10th]."[Mishkat Shareef, Pg. 179]
Thus, the Muslims worship is keptdistinguished and separate from the ways ofthe non-Muslims. It is for this reason thatwe should not only fast on the 10th, butalso on the 9th of Muharram-ul-Haraam.
- Other Virtuous Acts:One who stays awake on the night ofAshura [10th Muharram] gains the Sawaab[spiritual Reward] of the Angels.[Tafseer Ruhul Bayaan]
The following various deeds for Ashura arementioned in Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, by Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani :- Whoever fasts on this day is like one whofasts all his life. - Whoever clothes a naked person Allahwill release him from a painful punishment. - He who visits a sick person, Allah willgrant him a reward that will not bedecreased. - Whoever places his hand on an orphan’shead, or feeds a hungry person or giveswater to a thirsty man, Allah will feed hima feast from Paradise and will quench histhirst with Salsabil (a wine that does notintoxicate). - And whoever takes a bath on this day willenjoy excellent health and freedom fromsickness and indolence. - Whoever provides generously for hisfamily on this day, Allah will be generousto him throughout this year. - And whoever applies Kuhl to his eyes willnever suffer from eye-sore again.
Expressing Grief on Ashura
It is permissible to express sorrow and griefon Ashura in a silent or controlled manner,upon remembrance of the events of Karbalaand the sacrifice made by our belovedImam Hussain.
However, it is not permissible to expressgrief in the manner used by Shias, which isto beat themselves in such a disturbingmanner that blood flows from their bodieswhile they wail and cry loudly, also knownas ‘Matam’.Astagfirullah, this is a truly misguided actand tradition that has no place in Islam.
Verily, Sayyidina Rasulallah said, “He isnot from our group who slaps his cheeks,tears his clothes and cries in the manner ofthe people of Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamicignorance)."[Sahih Bukhari]


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